Monday, 21 July 2008

self portrait in pencil

pencil self portrait 


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Wow this is really good! I still have to try my self portrait, I've never been very good drawing people, oops, there goes that inner critic again. Thanks for your wonderful comments on my blog! :) Marva

Alan said...

Nice work. You have rendered yourself well.

Sarah Ketelaars said...

thank you. i look a bit severe but i think that's 'cos i'm concentrating so hard!

Timaree said...

Looking at the picture you have drawn and the one in your sidebar and from what I can see you did a great job.

I can imagine it's hard to keep a happy face going as you are concentrating on drawing so I can understand your more serious look.

Aarti Harish said...

Thanks Sarah...for your appreciation...i saw ur blog as well...i liked ur self portrait...looking forward to see more...