Tuesday 19 May 2009

technology is a wonderful thing

Self portrait in a digital age

Does anyone else miss polaroid photographs? i know i do. Luckily help is at hand, for i have just discovered www.poladroid.net. This is a great site where you can download free software to make any image you have look like it is a polaroid. Try it - it's serious fun.

Another useful piece of software i've just discovered is Silver FX Pro. This is a great program designed to make digital images look like they were taken on film by mimicking the main characteristics of certain film types. So those of us who are missing grain for example can just select a classic grainy film type and voila, the digital image is processed to look as of shot on that film. You can chose from 19 different film types. So far i've read rave reviews of it in all my photography mags and heard good things from other photographers.

Now much as i love this and will definitely be forking out for it soon (how i long for the grain of Kodak T Max) i can't help thinking there's something wrong here. In the past few years, like many photographers, i've traded in most of my film cameras and spent thousands getting a great digital kit together. Now i need to spend just a little bit more so that my images will... look like they've been shot on film!! Hmm. Is it me or could i not just have saved myself an awful lot of time and money by missing out the middle step there? Technology, it's a wonderful thing...


kazumiwannabe said...

Love the irony of it all! Your photo is beautiful. The experiment on the post below is great too. I'll try this polaroïd site, thanks for the link! And I left a comment two posts below, too. I love your posts, and the way they get me to think!

Stephen Hall said...

I love dropping by here, even when I'm way too busy. I read stuff and go away and contemplate! I read your post on someones site about David Bowies cut lines from his journal which he made into his early songs and got taken back to a place when i was a mixed up fan! Happy days! :-)

Florence's Art said...

Thanks for the information on the Polaroid sight. I will be checking it out. I miss Polaroid pictures very much. Wish I had stocked up.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!

This Vintage Life... said...

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for dropping by and leaving such kind comments.

I have to say I completely embrace the digital age! All that waiting for polaroids to dry...takes me back to my teenage years though when everyone had (or wanted!) one.
Nice photo too!
Have a great weekend
Deb x

Lee Rudd said...

I'm using Silver Efex Pro - it's by far the best B+W conversion tool that I have used.... I think one of the "problems" with digital - especially the high resolution cameras we now have - is that they are just too perfect! I must admit though I haven't yet invested in a filter to degrade the image, as some TV cameraman are!

Unknown said...

I miss polaroids too...but I love the actual seeing it happen before my very eyes, with real chemical reactions the exciting bit...however whenever I go for a casting for a commercial, out comes the polaroid, and my hideous, ghost-like image with closed eyes is invariably stapled to my CV, so in those situations, I'd rather it didn't make an appearance...your photo is lovely though!